Profile picture of Carrie O'Neill
Seeking opportunities

Carrie O'Neill


My name is Carrie O'Neill, but who I am is a spiritual seeker that thrives on empowering others through storytelling! My current role is titled Resident Relations Coordinator in an Independent Living Retirement Community, which when broke down, really means I am given the gift of sharing and caring for and with my seniors. My passion for writing life stories began 4 months before Remembrance Day in 2019. I was holding space with 3 World War 2 Veterans. What I was awakened to, was that through my curiosity of their life journey's, these seniors were touched and healing was brought to their lives. I have taken a writers workshop since then with Hay House Publishing and my goal is to expose the lives of our seniors and the importance they play in our lives today! Senior's Lives MATTER!

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