Profile picture of Izzy Lynch

Izzy Lynch

Director, Writer, Producer, Actor, Production Manager, Social Media Strategist

As a professional athlete who moonlights as a marketing, communications, events, and social media specialist in the outdoor/ adventure sports industry I have multifaceted experience in content production. This has given me an understanding of what is required to tell captivating stories in some of the world's most remote locales. From Kyrgyzstan to the Canadian Rockies, I have contributed to film projects for brands like Arc'teryx, The North Face, Giro Sports, Atomic Skis, Rossignol & more. I have recently taken the lead on my own creative film projects and I hope to produce and direct meaningful stories in wild spaces all across the globe.


1xFunded team lead

Past projects

AmiskwiDocumentary · $40,000 Fund
Team lead

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