'Kay, thx, bye!
2018 Digital Shorts

'Kay, thx, bye!

After a series of devastating life setbacks, a woman changes course to become the artist she's always dreamed of being.

Length10 min. 11 sec.


Pitch video


Amateur painter Beatrice Boyle’s first gala does not go well. People don’t like her work. And she gets mugged leaving. Beatrice’s bad luck continues as she loses her job and catches her husband cheating on her. Fed up with life, Beatrice is about to throw her paintings in a dumpster when a strange man, claiming to be an art collector, offers $25,000 for one. He writes a cheque on the spot, leaving Beatrice shocked. Beatrice begins asking for increasing sums for her art, but there’s a lingering doubt in her mind that her art is no good and she’s a fraud. She falls apart when a popular art critic trashes her work. It takes a special person in Beatrice’s life to convince her that her art is an expression of herself and is beautiful. She gains a deeper understanding of herself and her work.

The team

Katie Gobert and Brandon Rhiness have a quirky comedy to make! We're looking for talented crew members to join our team. Contact Project Leader, Katie, for details.