Explore 36 new Indigenous-led films in the Empowered Filmmaker Premiere

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Empowered Filmmaker

Get ready to explore 36 Indigenous-led projects produced in the TELUS STORYHIVE Empowered Filmmaker program, premiering today on TELUS Optik TV channel 9 and STORYHIVE’s YouTube channel

TELUS STORYHIVE Empowered Filmmaker is an all inclusive Indigenous-focused film program that offers training, equipment and mentorship programs to Indigenous communities across B.C. and Alberta with little or no experience in film. Since 2017, the Empowered Filmmaker has trained over 435 filmmakers to produce 130 films by providing training, equipment and support.

Through a five-day workshop, Farhan Umedaly, professional filmmaker and lead instructor of the program, supports individuals with no prior knowledge in filmmaking to become nimble and powerful media content creators. 

So, ready to dive into the latest film projects made by these brand new filmmakers?

Watch the trailer video here

Project Spotlights

Dancing with Addiction | Produced by Oceann Eilsie | Kamloops, British Columbia 

Oceann's journey to finding hope and healing, while overcoming pain and addiction. 

Perspectives in Post Secondary Education | Produced by Kalei Dixon | Lethbridge, Alberta 

What's it like being an Indigenous student in post-secondary? Find out. 

The Old People | Produced by Shawanda Backfat | Calgary, Alberta 

A film that explores Indigenous identity and cultural revitalization and pride.

You can celebrate the Empowered Filmmaker Premiere by watching all of the projects on TELUS Optik TV channel 9 or in the Empowered Filmmaker Premiere playlist on the STORYHIVE YouTube channel now.

Happy viewing! 

Posted onJun 04, 2024
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