2017 Web Series


A young chef with a heart-of-gold struggles to make ends meet in Vancouver until he inherits a mystical artifact.

Length10 min. 24 sec.
DirectorMatt Popp


Pitch video


Santo works hard to cover rent and bills for him and his unemployed, unscrupulous yet charismatic roommate Patrick, while also caring for his ailing Grandpa. He longs for a more meaningful life but can’t get ahead. After inheriting an heirloom-wrestling mask, Santo discovers the mask gives him proverbial powers. When some low-life thugs accost Santo and his co-worker Abby, a sassy history major, Santo dons the mask and transforms into a powerful Luchador, allowing him to pummel the attackers with some crazy lucha libre moves. When Patrick hears the story, he immediately registers Santo in the underground wrestling circuit to profit off his roommate’s new powers. But when they discover the city has an underbelly teaming with supernatural villains, Santo sets his sights on a nobler quest.

The team

Our talented team includes industry professionals and aspiring filmmakers who are passionate about bringing to life the vision and story of our dear friend Nate McCowan.


Production Design

An underground wrestling ring will be home to some of Santo's debut fights. There's nothing quite like a baptism by fire.
Santo lives in a big ole dirty city full of smoking trash cans, funky smells and 'interesting' people.
The colour and pizzazz of Santo's mask and costume will contrast the dark and grimey streets of the city.
The series will draw inspiration from the illustration style of classic comics.
The 'monster-of-the-week' format of the show will unleash a number of supernatural entities into Santo's world.
Location of fight sequences and dialogue scenes.
The kitchen where Santo and Abby work offers an El Dorado of normality in this exceptionally abnormal city ... or so you think.
Luchador's monsters and villains will be inspired by the mythology of Latin America and beyond.